Happy New Year!!
I'm so glad to be back to blogging. I had to take a small break for holiday travels, but I'm back! I hope that all of you had a wonderful new year and are starting 2011 with joy and peace!
So readers, I would like to know, what are you passionate about? Is this something that you think about? Or does life consume you to the point that you don't take a moment to ponder. Are you living your passion? Are other people being blessed by what you are doing? Do you have soul prosperity? (Soul prosperity - prosperous in your health, wealth, relationships... every area of your life.)
My goal for 2011 is to live out my passion and to continue to strive for soul prosperity! My joy comes from God and nothing can take that away. Don't get so consumed with life to the point that you aren't truly happy. You have control over that! As I'm living my dream, I will continue to share my journey with hopes of inspiring other people. I expect for 2011 to be a phenomenal year and you should do the same!
To soul prosperity!
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